Aestheticizing the unconventional

After finishing my studies in November 2017 with the diploma grade 1.3 (A) and with my experience as a freelance designer since 2015, I offer design and communication consultancy for clients from all fields of interest and from all around Europe. Starting with the concept and ending with the finished result, I like to create original works that combine art, subculture and design with a great understanding of zeitgeist. To educate on matters of design, I also give lectures and workshops.

Clients (Selection)

August Macke Haus Bonn | BAM Cologne | Big Top Amsterdam Amsterdam | Condé Nast Munich | ELLE magazine Munich | Gamper & Dadoni Hamburg | Gerstaecker Eitorf | GOLPIRA Berlin | John Reed Berlin | Julia Kiecksee Berlin | Liv Siano Zurich | Marina Hoermanseder Berlin | McFIT Berlin | Stuttgart | Sere Rivérs Stuttgart | Shimmer Rotterdam | SLEEK Magazine Berlin |  The Pool Eindhoven | Yel-low Stuttgart

Exhibitions, Workshops & Lectures (Selection)

"Home" - Kunsthal, Rotterdam (NL), 2023

Out Of The Blue - Boehringer Areal, Stuttgart (Germany), 2023

Kunstprijs Charlois - Roadshow, Rotterdam (NL), 2022-2023

South Explorer - CultuurWerkplaats Tarwewijk, Rotterdam (NL), 2022

Consider Me Yours - Villa Kalwa, Bonn (Germany), 2021

L'atelier Nouveau - Atelier Rivérs, Stuttgart (Germany), 2019

Project EYEdea - The 9th, Bonn (Germany), 2018

X-perspectives - Update Gallery, Bonn (Germany), 2017

Diploma exhibition -  RSAK, Hennef (Germany), 2017

As seen on